Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Red Eye Freeze

I spent the night at my Grandma's house last night. I stayed up too late, again. TVs really are insidious devices. This time it was the fault of "Star Trek Enterprise" and JustOneMore-itus.

So there I was this morning, dragging myself out of bed at 06.00 hours {6am} red eyed and yawning my head off. I don't normally have trouble getting up in the morning, but when you add a late night on top of a two strikes weekend, it adds up.

On the few occasions that I've tried coffee I have been highly disappointed. The stuff smells great, but it's just so bitter. I decided that if I was going to be operating a motor vehicle it would be best to do it while awake. (I know I've read somewhere that those who sleep while driving have a higher death rate than those who drive while awake.)

My grandma has instant coffee at her house, but it's been just as bad as the regular beverage. I decided to try an experiment. I mixed ice cream, banana a few shots of cream (which my Grandma got from "Jack-In-The-Box" last time she was there, for my breakfast. She only drinks non-fat milk. Ugg.) and a super strong shot of coffee.

I could barely taste the coffee. Perfect! It made a good breakfast all by it's self too. I'm happy to be able to inform you that I made it to work in one piece this morning. Thank the LORD for caffeine.

Here's what I did, in detail.

  • Ingredients

  • 1 cup ice cream (I used spumoni, but pure chocolate would have been better)

  • 3 creams from J.I.T.B.

  • 3 Tbl. milk (I used non-fat but would prefer whole.)

  • 1 Tbl. instant coffee

  • 1 ripe banana

  • Directions

  • Nuke (er, heat) milk in microwave for 20 seconds. Add instant coffee and mix well. Place in freezer.

  • Smash banana to a chunky pulp.

  • Place ice cream and banana in cup. Mix well. Use creams to aid the mixing process.

  • Add the coffee. Mix more.

  • I didn't have time, but if you put it in the freezer for a few minutes (maybe 1-3), I think it would enhance it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just a Few Links.

I have discovered two interesting websites since my last post.

The first was Lylium.org Which describes it's self thusly: "Lylium.org is the blog and internet home of Erin Julian, a freshman in college who enjoys photography and writing."

But that doesn't really convey why I've spent such large quantities of time there. Basically Erin and I share a lot of interests, and she writes about them in a humorous and literate manner.

TheRebelution.com is a website dedicated to helping young people to rebel against the low standers in todays culture, and to draw nearer to God in every aspect of their lives. It's got a blog, forums, and other resources. Jump on over and check it out.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What a Way to Start the New Year

Being sick is a real drag. Having spent the past week in this condition, I've spent some time contemplating this fact. Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say that I missed getting up at 05.00 hr. or being at work for over a third of each day. But even if I don't enjoy being up before the dawn, I do have this odd desire to be out of bed at some point when the sun is visible during each circuit the Earth makes around it.

After the first day I couldn't stand it. I had to be up. So I made my way courageously to the couch, from which I continued to lay about doing nothing. At some point I got tired of this too, so I took up the first "Harry Potter" book. Once before I'd started to read these, but didn't get far. I recently ordered "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" from the library, and now having it in my possession and plenty of excess time, I began.

That was last Wednesday. I completed books one, two and three in short order. My progress on book four ("Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire") has been much slower than on the others, now that I'm up and about, and able once again to work.

Happy New Year to y'all!