Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From the B.I.N. # 2

The Pentagon finally starts to move into the future of cyberwarfare. Now they have guidelines:

Scientists create blobs of cooled light particles.

New Japanese machine takes the super computer lead, and they're not even done building it. The "K" will rise from 8.16 petaflops to reach 10 petaflops once it is at full power.

Scientists grow rat organs in mice, and are ready to try growing human organs in pigs. Don't mix up that bacon!

Micro drones are on their way.

Chart of current drone in use by the US military:

Apple to decide when you are allowed to use the video camera on new iPhones. Forget recording that favorite band of yours.

Obama: Libya isn't a war. Because flying aircraft over a country and dropping bombs on people isn't war as long as there are no troops on the ground and the targets can't return fire effectively. According to Obama's arguments, he could nuke a country off the map without Congressional approval.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks.