Tuesday, December 12, 2006

From Spreadsheets To France

I have discovered spreadsheets. Oh, I've known that they existed for a decade or more, but I never thought of actually utilizing them for anything. (You know, kind of like that spoon-gadgety-whats-it-thingy-ma-bober that's sitting in one of your kitchen drawers? The one you never use but keep around 'just in case.') That's have I've always viewed spreadsheets. But no more.

It's all Google's fault. If they hadn't have released "Google Docs & Spreadsheets", I could have remained blissfully ignorant of this fantastic tool for years to come. Thanks Google!

Years ago when I saw a movie ("Nerds" perhaps?) that said the the Killer App of the 1980's ("VisiCalc" came out in 1979 really) was the spreadsheet, I was bemused. 'Who cares about spreadsheets?' I thought.

Now I understand.

Elevator News

France to adopt the Penguin. That's right, The French Parliament is switching over to Linux on all it's computers, replacing "MS Windows."

I never thought I'd be saying this, but now there's two areas I wish the USA would emulate France. (The other being their massive use of nuclear power. I believe ~75-90% of the energy produce is nuclear.)

Go France!

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